Sunday, September 6, 2020

OOPs Interview Questions !!!

 1) Difference between Abstract class and Interface ?

2) How can we call abstract class ?

3) Is it possible to declare a class as private ? If yes what happens ?

4) can we declare static constructor in abstract class ? If yes when it will be fired ?

5) Difference between Static class and Singleton design pattern class ?

6) Singleton design pattern steps ?

7) Why it is not possible to create an object for a abstract class ?

8) A:B


if we create object like this

Class A obj=new Class C():

what heppens in different scenarios ?

1) Override method Implementations 

2) Method Implementation using New keyword.

9) what are the different types of constructors and order of the execution in single class and inherited class and multilevel inheritance ?

10) If a class inherited from two different interfaces(multiple inheritance) and those have same method name then how do it will be implemented ?

11) What is Abstraction with example and Encapsulation ?

13)  Difference between IEnumerable & IQuarable ?

14) Differencce between IEnumarable & IEnumerator ?

15) Threadings, Delegates & Parallel program with exaples ?

16) What is the use of Interfaces ?

17) SOLID Principles with example ?

18) Design patterns like Factory, Singleton, Abstract etc..

19) Entity Framework Interview Questions

20) .NET Core life cycle ( Middleware examples, custom middlewares )

21) Azure :

Functions, LogicApps, ServiceBus, WebLogic, App Service gatway, API Management Gateway, Storages etc...

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