Friday, April 16, 2021

Difference between Array and ArrayList


Difference between Array and ArrayList

The following table lists the differences between Array and ArrayList in C#.

Must include System namespace to use array.Must include System.Collections namespace to use ArraList.
Array Declaration & Initialization:
int[] arr = new int[5]
int[] arr = new int[5]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int[] arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
ArrayList Declaration & Initialization:
ArrayList arList = new ArrayList();
Array stores a fixed number of elements. The size of an Array must be specified at the time of initialization.ArrayList grows automatically and you don't need to specify the size.
Array is strongly typed. This means that an array can store only specific type of items\elements.ArrayList can store any type of items\elements.
No need to cast elements of an array while retrieving because it is strongly typed and stores a specific type of items only.The items of ArrayList need to be cast to an appropriate data type while retrieving. So, boxing and unboxing happens.
Performs faster than ArrayList because it is strongly typed.Performs slows because of boxging and unboxing.
Use static helper class Array to perform different tasks on the array.ArrayList itself includes various utility methods for various tasks.

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